Welcome to the first issue of Conquering Fear. In each issue of this e-coaching, you will have access to valuable information that will help you learn how to manage your fears and help get you on the path to overcoming them for good.

In this issue, we are going to discuss some of the different types of fears and some effective ways to cope with them.
Some say that fear is a great motivator and for some people it is. The fear of failing, loss, or facing consequences can give us the will to thrive under pressure and help us complete tasks that would otherwise go unfinished.
For others, it can cause life to come to a screeching halt. It's like being held hostage, unable to move forward or make a decision without being afraid of the consequences.
Being held captive by your fear, (even a small fear) is one of the worst feelings in the world. It can immobilize you, rob you of your freedom and keep you from living the life you deserve.
Understanding your fear is one of the first steps to managing it and eventually conquering it. Most forms of fear can be broken down into three basic categories external, internal, or subconscious.
Among the three, subconscious and internal fears are most difficult to live with and find treatment for because the person suffering from this debilitating condition must first realize they have a problem and need help. They must also recognize the source of their fear so that they can take the necessary steps to overcome it. By identifying the type of fear that is holding you back, you will be able to learn effective methods of controlling it.
- First, let's discuss external fears.
External fear is one of the easiest to diagnose and manage. It is similar to phobias where an outside source causes stress or anxiety that automatically triggers your brain to react.
For example, fear of spiders, heights, and flying are among the most common phobias that millions of people suffer from every day. They experience (sometimes-severe) anxiety or discomfort whenever they are in a situation where they’re confronted with a particular trigger.
Sometimes even the thought of a spider will send someone with arachnophobia screaming out of the room. Since the source of this type of fear is easier to identify, the person suffering can seek help finding alternative ways to manage, confront, and even overcome their fear.
Most external fears are related to negative life experiences. For instance, someone who fell from a tree as a child may be afraid of heights as an adult. Since they know the root cause of their fear, they will have a better understanding of the problem and be able to seek out specific treatments and techniques to help manage their anxiety in stressful situations.
Often time’s hypnosis is a viable option for people with external fears. A hypnotherapist can employ psychological methods to erase any previous negative associations you have with the root cause of your fear.
- Internal Fears
This type of fear is closely associated with low levels of confidence or lack of self-esteem. Yet, just like external fear, the triggers come from an outside source, which produces negative feelings and emotions.
This trigger then produces internal reactions such as self-doubt, questioning capabilities, and in severe cases, causes self-loathing. Most often, when people begin to question their abilities, failure is unavoidable. This type of fear often affects a person’s ability to interact in social situations as well.
To learn how to effectively manage and eventually conquer internal types of fear, you often have to go back to childhood years when character development was at its peak because this is when most internal fears develop. Dealing with this type of fear often requires the help of a professional who can show how to gain a new perspective and modify certain behaviors that trigger insecurities and fears.
- Subconscious Fears
This type of fear is produced when the mind accepts certain beliefs as reality, even if they are untrue or unfounded. This severe form of fear limits potential and prevents one from doing things and often leads to self-sabotage. It is often associated with extreme cases of internal fear and causes the sufferer to question their abilities. Which reinforces their feelings of self-doubt and negative self-talk.
Learning to live with this type of fear again requires the help of a professional who can show you how to take active steps towards reversing negative beliefs and replacing them with positive reinforcements so that you can regain control of your life.
- Overcoming Fears
When it comes to coping with and overcoming fears most people are reluctant to address the problem. Sometimes it's because they lack the proper motivation, but often it's because they are unable or simply afraid to face their fear head-on, which is ultimately the only way you can gain control of it.
Identifying the type of fear you’re suffering from is the first step towards abolishing it from your life. It will also help to decide whether or not the help of a professional such as a life coach, practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or psychologist is needed. After you have identified the source of your problem, you can develop a plan to conquer it.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about more about fears and phobias so that you can gain a better understanding of them.
Thank you again for joining,
To Your Success
William J. McClelland CLC, CNC, MPNLP
Disclaimer: Please understand that the content of this e-Coaching program isn’t meant to replace the advice of a licensed physician. The information provided here is intended as educational material only and should never be interpreted as medical advice. If you feel that your condition is a real medical emergency, please contact your physician or healthcare professional immediately.